FlexEnable Ltd
FlexEnable, based in Cambridge, UK, has developed the world’s most flexible transistor technology platform; the key to truly flexible and cost effective electronics over large and small surfaces.
Flexenable’s vision is to enable active surfaces in our lives: in our homes, our cars, our workplaces and even on our bodies. The ability to seamlessly integrate electronics with everyday objects can only be achieved with flexible electronics. With over a decade of experience, IP development (>600 patents) and technology awards, FlexEnable works together with display makers and brands/OEMS to drive innovation across flexible displays and sensors.
FlexEnable’s organic LCD technology (OLCD) is bringing ultra-thin, flexible, conformable video rate displays to applications across smart home, laptops, tablets, wearables, automotive, TVs and beyond. These OLCDs are wrap-able, shape-able, ultra-lightweight, ultra-thin and shatterproof, all at a lower cost than other flexible array approaches.